Tampereen Energia is a driving force
In 1882, an electric light was switched on for the very first time in Tampere in Finlayson's weaving hall. Today, Tampereen Energia is a modern energy group that employs nearly 400 renewable energy professionals. Our task is to look for solutions that enable energy to be produced, distributed and used responsibly and smartly, and to help our customers achieve their own climate goals.

We fight climate change together with our customers
The energy sector plays a key role in combating climate change, and the way energy is produced, distributed and consumed determines the kind of world we will live in in the future. The challenges are global, but the solutions are local.
Tampereen Energia is a pioneer in local energy. We create conditions for a good life in homes, workplaces and public spaces in Pirkanmaa.
By setting an example, we want to show that by acting wisely and purposefully, it’s possible to change things for the better and do it quickly: our energy production will be carbon neutral in 2030 and we have decided to be carbon negative by 2040.
An emission-free, carbon-neutral future requires all of us, because every action and every choice matters. But above all, we need people and companies with the wisdom and will to turn good intentions into reality.
Tampere Energia in brief

A passion for energy for more than a hundred years
We produce and distribute domestic renewable energy and actively develop future energy solutions for homes, workplaces and public spaces.
With our strong expertise and advanced technology solutions, we help our customers reduce their carbon footprint – easily, reliably and locally.
Energy production in Tampere
We produce heat, cooling and electricity in our own power plants and heating plants in the Tampere area, and we are one of Finland’s largest producers of district heating.
We produce energy for Tampere using a combination of different energy sources, which we optimize hour by hour according to which production method is the cheapest and most environmentally friendly at any given time. We produce our main product, district heating, with, among other things, electric boilers, industrial waste heat and by burning municipal waste and various fuels such as wood.
The strength of our energy production is its versatility: it is not tied to a single fuel or heat source. It’s easy to connecting new technologies and innovations to our heating network, and we are constantly looking for new ways to produce energy in as an efficient and climate-friendly way as possible.
We make energy carbon neutral
After the energy transition we implemented in 2010, we have taken great strides towards carbon neutrality.
Although much has already been done, the work still continues. In 2023, approximately 80 % of all the energy we produce will be renewable. By setting an example, we want to show that by acting wisely and purposefully, it’s possible to change things for the better and do it quickly: our energy production will be carbon neutral in 2030 and we have decided to be carbon negative by 2040.
We participate in global energy reduction goals and as a company we are committed to several international, national and regional projects and agreements promoting energy efficiency.
- The European Union’s Climate Pact
- The energy efficiency directive (in Finnish)
- The energy and climate strategy
- Carbon neutral Tampere 2030 (in Finnish)
Our services